
At its core, branding is about long-term connection. It’s that gut feeling people get that drives decision-making. Each person creates their own version of your brand in their mind. Whether these beliefs are many or few, good or not-so-good, they shape your brand’s image, and influence how people think and make purchasing decisions. We firmly believe that people don’t like being sold to; instead, they love to buy. 

A successful brand creates an inviting atmosphere that naturally draws customers in, so they buy without feeling like they’re being sold to.

Brand Consultation

Know Your Organization or Product
Before crafting your brand, we set the stage for your organization's success. At Big Trouble Creative, we dive deep into your current and future landscape, discovering what motivates your customers and employees. This sturdy foundation paves the way for a brand that sparks positive experiences and engagement at every touchpoint.

We analyze your primary objectives, history, competition, and more collaboratively. We audit your existing marketing materials, take a tour of your company for face-to-face interaction, conduct one-on-one interviews with key stakeholders, and engage in informal discussions with your existing customers. This not only helps us understand your core demographic but also uncovers targeted advertising opportunities.

Brand Implementation
For a brand to truly come to life, your team must embrace it and understand how to use it seamlessly within your industry. It's about how they answer phones, interact with customers, and the overall feel of doing business with your organization. It extends to the look of your website and marketing materials—these expressions breathe life into your brand message. At Big Trouble Creative, we ensure a smooth brand implementation process by sharing the newly created guidelines with your staff, board of directors, vendors, and industry press.

We provide clear implementation guidelines and standards, offering instructions to your employees. But we don't stop there; we believe in face-to-face collaboration as a vital ingredient in creating an authentic brand. Even if we have to travel half way across the globe to make things right for you, we will.